MPAC Is Screwing Me

Two weeks ago I received a letter from the City of Ottawa to let me know that the lying cheating bastards at MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation) were screwing me. A little back data. In early April 2007 I entered in an agreement to buy my house for...

Afghan Mission Must Change?!?!?

I don’t get it. Stephane Dion the current liberal leader says the mission must change. I don’t get it. I really don’t. I know the optics of war are bad, but this whole movement from a combat role to a rebuilding role makes next to no sense. No in...

Long Gun Registry Back In The News

The long gone registry is back in the news. The conservatives are once again talking about scrapping it. Forget the fact that I have wanted this gone for some time -I mean criminals are not going to register their guns- the most telling fact in this is the second last...