The Shoetiful Disaster pt. 2

Today I went looking for some shoes again, since I figured that this gait analysis I would have all the possible shoes that Ryan would ask for. Another $400 later and I am going in with 6 pairs of brand new shoes. Half of them are mild motion control and the other...

The Shoetiful Disaster

I am still working on getting my shin problems behind me, but I must say that I am continually more impressed with Solefit Orthotics. I went back to the office yesterday at 5PM to review the shoes I had purchased. Ryan didn’t like the look of any of them. The...

Call Me Captain Fatty

Is anyone else ever shocked by their BMI? I know I am continually shocked by my BMI and I do realize that there is a margin of error, but still I find the results very suspicious. The main reason why I am suspicious of the recommended BMI ranges is that I am...

Buying Out Running Room

I thought that I had a problem with owning too many shoes -in excess of 40 pairs. Well today takes the cake, yet today for once is a bit of a positive. For the past few months -lets be honest, the whole damn summer- I have been battling a nasty case of shin splints,...