My iPad Killer App – Video Player

It doesn’t exist. *sigh* The thing that would make me buy an iPad immediately, no questions asked is a video player. Here is the scenario: I coach ski racing and one of the most valuable tools (if not THE) most valuable tool is video. I shoot tons of video, and... Feud Ends…

…with a draw. So they replied back today and told me if I didn’t like their terms I could cancel the order.  I poked around a little more and found I could make the same order for for $5 less (even with the sale price). I cancelled the BestBuy...

Almost Volunteer Work

I agreed to make a website for the ski team. There was some stuff that I wanted to do with it. The first was to use some AJAX to load data. I also wanted to use a relatively clean googlesque menu system. I told them it wouldn’t cost them much. In and around the...

For Individual Honour

Leave the glory to someone else. Let the honour fall on whoever goes out and gets it. There is nothing that angers a coach more than a lazy athlete. An athlete that puts in a poor effort during training looks poorly on  their self and their coach. For a while I have...