Monitor Confusion

A little while ago I wrote a bit about my search for a new monitor. I basically conceded that waiting for the Dell u2711 to drop in price to the $700-800 (it is still shockingly high at $1249). Now I find out from a semi reliable source, that the Dell u2410 will be...

ToDo: TeuxDeux

Alright, so it has a stupid name. should not (and for me will not) be pronounced ToDo. Anyone who has spent anytime around the French language knows that deux (which is the number 2) is not pronounced do. It is pronounced something more along the lines of...

iPad Version 1.0 = Nope!

I have been digesting the release of the iPad for a few days now, and let me say my first impression is not magical. After all the hype leading into a the tablet release I figured it would either be a big win or a big loss. Somehow it has come out as neither. Let me...

Update (Purchases)

I had big plans to write some year end blogs about all kinds of stuff. A year of Macdom, music for the year (SaddleCreek kicked ass with 3 really great releases: Hometowns, Feral Harmonic, Mama, I’m Swollen) and movies (Inglourious Basterds, and The Hurt Locker...