It has been about one year, no not since I blogged last, although it may feel that way. It has been about one year since I saw my favourite band Cursive the one and only time I saw them. It was a great show, and with all the shows I have seen over the years it is hard for me to say that. I honestly wasn’t disappointed. I figured that in honour a year later I would post a list of what I think are Tim Kasher’s best songs (in order no less):
- Sierra (Cursive)
- Art Is Hard (Cursive)
- O’Rourkes 1:20 AM (The Good Life)
- A Gentleman Caller (Cursive)
- Inmates (Acoustic) (The Good Life -Version that Tim sings)
- The Great Decay (Cursive)
- The Martyr (Cursive)
- A Little More (The Good Life)
- The Radiator Hums (Cursive)
- Album Of The Year (The Good Life)
- Staying Alive (Cursive)
- Driftwood: A Fairy Tale (Cursive)
- Ceilings Crack (Cursive)