The house is really coming along. There is no change now that it will be late, as they have done their first coat of paint. All fears that I had about the paint colour being too dark have fallen by the wayside as I have seen how bright it looks in the house. I must say I am more excited now than ever.
As well as seeing the paint colour there is some other exciting news. Rather than the awful teal that I was expecting for the front door colour it is a nice chocolate brown. We will probably still be painting the front door a nice red to make it more welcoming, but at least I don’t hate the colour that it will be originally. As well they have sodded the lot behind us so now we have a good idea of how big our backyard is. It’s about 25′ deep which is a good size for a town house, it will comfortably host a barbeque!
To get a better idea of some of what I’m talking about see some of the photos below: